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From Linux documentation, POLLOUT means Normal data may be written without blocking. Well, but this explanation is ambigous. How much data is it possible to write without blocking after poll reported this event? 1 byte? 2 bytes? Gigabyte? After POLLOUT event on blocking socket, how to check how much data I can send to socket without block?

从Linux文档中,POLLOUT意味着可以在不阻塞的情况下写入普通数据。好吧,但这个解释很暧昧。民意调查报告此事件后,可以在没有阻止的情况下写入多少数据? 1个字节? 2个字节?技嘉?在阻塞套接字上的POLLOUT事件之后,如何检查我可以在没有阻塞的情况下向套接字发送多少数据?

2 个解决方案


poll system call only tells you that there is something happen in the file descriptor(physical device) but it doesn't tell you how much space is available for you to read or write. In order to know exactly how many bytes data is available to be used for reading or writing, you must use read() or write() system call to get the return value which says the number of bytes you have actually been read or written.


Thus,poll() is mainly used for applications that must use multiple input or output streams without getting stuck on any one of them. You can't use write() or read() in this case since you can't monitor multiple descriptors at the same time within one thread.


BTW,for device driver,the underlying implementation for POLL in driver usually likes this(code from ldd3):


  static unsigned int scull_p_poll(struct file *filp, poll_table *wait)

      poll_wait(filp, &dev->inq, wait);
      poll_wait(filp, &dev->outq, wait);
      if (spacefree(dev))
          mask |= POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM; /* writable */
      return mask; 


If poll() sets the POLLOUT flag then at least one byte may be written without blocking. You may then find that a write() operation performs only a partial write, so indicated by returning a short count. You must always be prepared for partial reads and writes when multiplexing I/O via poll() and/or select().

如果poll()设置POLLOUT标志,那么至少可以写入一个字节而不会阻塞。然后,您可能会发现write()操作仅执行部分写入,因此返回短计数即表示。通过poll()和/或select()多路复用I / O时,必须始终为部分读写做好准备。

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